NATO next meeting is in Portugal - a próxima cimeira é em Portugal

NATO’s Heads of State and Government decided that next meeting will be held in Portugal.
May be it will include a pilgrimage to the tomb of Salazar, NATO’s Founding Father.

Os chefes de Estado e de governo da NATO decidiram que a próxima cimeira é em Portugal.
Talvez inclua no programa uma romagem ao túmulo de Salazar, pai fundador da organização.

Diz o comunicado final:

Strasbourg / Kehl Summit Declaration

Issued by the Heads of State and Government participating in the meeting of the North Atlantic Council in Strasbourg / Kehl on 4 April 2009

(last paragraph:)

We will meet next in Portugal to approve a new Strategic Concept and give further direction to ensure that NATO can successfully continue to defend peace, democracy and security in the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond.

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